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CJ Tambornino, no comply. |
It's been quite a while since the last post, but the timing could not be any better. I've been wanting to catalog the tricks done over the long ledge at J-Kwon for a while. So when Nick Tucker shocked the web with his turning pro part for Primitive, not only did he DEMOLISH the LA courthouse ledge, but he startled everyone with 3 sick NBDs over J-Kwon's ledge. Getting one new trick is remarkable enough, but 3 back to back to back tricks was simply thrilling. This already got me thinking about the blog post, but the cherry on top was when Walker Ryan and Kelly Hart astonished me with their J-Kwon additions today. Walker's already one of my favorite skaters, and the switch backside flip is probably my favorite trick to see done (because of guys like Walker), so the combo is too good. Couple that with my personal favorite trick to do (fakie 360 flip) done by a master of that trick and I am completely flipping out in excitement from this short video.
(And soon after Matt Gottwig almost ollied over the whole super long ledge too!)
Now to the rest of the catalog of tricks chronologically (for the most part):
1. The "Basics"
The first trick done over the J-Kwon ledge to my knowledge comes as a pleasant, but easily unnoticed, surprise from the Boss himself. We already know his kickflip is one of the best ever, so it's fitting for him to casually open up his Bake and Destroy part in 2012 with a kickflip over the ledge, to start out a line of course (0:10).
While Brett Sube's trick (or pair of tricks) is the most basic on flatground, it's possibly the most impressive of all of these cataloged entries so far. Huge double ollies over the extra-high ledges document his impressive pop and control to close out his part in Gracias Skateboarding. (Also note that Alex Olson ollies over one of these extra-high ledges in a line in Pretty Sweet.)
2. 360 Flip - Jordan Trahan
The first trick that really put this spot on the map. Jordan Trahan's unearthly pop and one-of-a-kind miraculous 360 flip, captured by OG 360 flip master Mr. Kalis himself, is a thing a pure beauty.
3. Switch Frontside Kickflip - Carlos Iqui
Leave it to a Brazilian to pop much earlier than necessary and fly insanely far over the whole ledge. Quite a few tricks come to mind before a switch fs flip to try at this spot, but Carlos Iqui once again proves his technical wizardry is no joke. UPDATE (6/2/15): Carlos apparently has decided to one-up himself by doing this trick again in a pretty heavy line.
4. Caballerial - Abbas Glass
I've honestly never heard of Abbas Glass before, but I'll never forget his name after this. This caballerial was executed perfectly, with bonus steeze. NOTE: The original video seems to have been taken down, so here's a separate link to substitute.
5. No Comply - Bobby De Keyzer
Now I was pretty blown away when I saw the photo of CJ Tambornino (above) no complying over the ledge. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any footage surface of his trick. But another technician in Bobby De Keyzer released a shockingly awesome part for DC not too long ago. What better way to start off a part than arguably one of the best lines in recent memory, including that wonderfully enormous no comply (4:10). Mad props!
I basically would like to keep an ABD Archives of this JKWON ledge spot, much like Transworld is doing. However, I'm going to keep it strictly for tricks done over the ledges because the entire spot itself is definitely blown out. Please comment any tricks that I may have missed!
6/9/15 - Kelly Hart, contributor of his great fakie 360 flip over the ledge, filmed the homie Myquel Haddox adding TWO new tricks to the spot's history for eS! Another name I won't be forgetting now after the beautiful half-cab kickflip and fakie big flip.
6/18/15 - Myquel just isn't stopping! Chalk up another one over the J-Kwon block: frontside heelflip. Hope a video comes soon!
7/22/15 - This dude is unreal. Myquel adds one more trick to the list: switch heelflip. He could probably put out a full part soon of just these J-Kwon block tricks...
8/28/15 - I definitely missed this the first time around. Not exactly sure when Furby switch back heeled the ledge, but it can be found in the Supra commercial in the sponsors menu in TWS' Outliers. Unfortunately I could not find a video or picture online so you'll just have to check it out in Outliers for yourself!
9/24/15 - Sabotage 4 was released on DVD on 9/11 and after receiving my package and peeping the video, I was psyched. Not only is Philly footage the best, but parts from Ishod, Suciu, Kalis, and Walker Ryan all got me super amped as well. Amidst the hour long video was a nice little gem from J-Kwon frequenter MATT GOTWIG (see above). While Myquel may have had a picture of his front heel, Matt to my knowledge was the first to release a video of his FRONT HEEL over the J-Kwon block in all its beauty. Cop the full length to see it featured in Brian Douglas's part!
10/8/15 - And of course, a 5 trick fix over the ledge for Myquel. Only a matter of time. Wow!
12/25/15 - Cyril Jackson has had a super productive rookie year and capped it off with a solid Deathlens part featuring a tight late shove over the J-Kwon Ledge! Check the full line at 1:18 for the awesomeness.
1/3/16 - Even with Walker getting the trick first (most likely), Matt Gotwig shows again that he's a J-Kwon local by switch backside flipping the block in his Aguora Lifestyle part.
4/29/16 - Quel is back at it! Now getting into the awkwardly gnarly tricks: fakie varial flipping the block in style.
1/14/17 - Like many others in DGK's new "Saved" video, Adrian Del Campo gets his AM intro to the team and comes correct with a solid switch front heel over the block, even if Nick Tucker did it first.
7/9/17 - Never took this one into account back from 2013: Yuri Facchini with a proper heelflip to start a line and his Damn good Blind part!
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