Friday, September 27, 2013

Manny Maniacs #1: Joey Brezinski

When I think of manuals, I think of Joey Brezinski. His abilities are one of a kind and it takes his creativity (and goofiness) to come up with the video parts he does.  And even though they are filled with manual tricks, they all are interesting because Joey knows how to keep his tricks varied enough. I mean he even started a whole contest for manuals! Pretty much everyone would agree that Joey is the king (or at least one of the kings) of manuals so I will just post the three parts from him that really cemented my astonishment with his manuals tricks.
Above, in Hello Jojo, he keeps it fun at 0:53 with a mini nosepick 270 manual (NBD for sure!), and personal favorites at 1:12 and 3:01 with a front 180 fakie manual fakie frontside 360 shove out and a manual double heelflip out respectively. (The setup on the switch flip out of the 180 switch manny just before the double heel clip is also pretty awesome.) And the manual up and down line at 3:44 strikes the perfect balance in fun, quick action and skilled control of spinning, flipping, and balancing.
In his Right Foot Forward part for Transworld, he comes out swinging right from the start with a lot of cool combinations (manuals and ledges), throwing in tricks midway through his manuals or just continuing the lines when one good manny trick isn't enough apparently.  The inward heel nose manual at 1:22 looks quite nice and the ledge is rather high too, and then the manual wallride nose manual at 1:39 is also pretty awesome.  It takes a lot of control for that front blunt fakie manual fs half cab out at 2:40.  3:18 - 3:29 has a series of technically impressive and fun to watch manual combos, just like the body varials in the line at 3:52. And the last trick is also really crazy with how he manages to smoothly put together three tricks in one.
In his latest video part in Cliche's Bon Voyage, there are so many great manual tricks, as expected.  So I will let the clever lines and crazy combos speak for themselves. There's nothing quite like watching Joey skate.

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